Chemistry pupils are issued with regular homework to consolidate the work undertaken in class. Homework can take a variety of forms and might include written exercises, completion of class-work, revision of notes, studying for tests and doing on-line revision and assessments such as those found on various websites (see below). In addition, CfE Higher and Advanced Higher pupils will be expected to carry out the on-line end of topic and end of unit assessments from the Heriot-Watt University SCHOLAR website.
To test knowledge, understanding and problem solving skills, short class tests/assignments will be undertaken throughout the session as directed by the class teacher. In addition, further extended assessments will take place at specific points throughout the session (S3 exams, S4/5/6 prelims etc.), which will require pupils to undertake extensive revision. Pupils in the Senior Phase (S4-S6) will also be expected to undertake assignment tasks as directed by the SQA. Reminders of assessment dates will be issued via "Teams".