Family learning encourages family members to learn together as and within a family.

Family learning activities can also be specifically designed to enable parents to learn how to support their children’s learning.

We have been introducing a range of family learning activities specifically designed to enable parents to learn how to support their children’s learning.
Family learning is recognised as having significant benefits for parents, carers and children of all ages. Family learning is any learning that includes more than one generation of a family (including extended families and carers).
There will be various Family learning events taking place this session including:
  • Literacy Workshop
  • Numeracy Workshop (S1)
  • Modern Languages Workshop
  • UCAS Information (S5/6)
  • Internet Safety – included in presentation given at S1 Welcome Evening
  • Live N Learn Workshops: Mindset for Exams (S5)
  • Study Skills
  • Senior Phase Curricular Pathways (Careers Event :S4-6)
  • Teen Triple P

Each department will also be updating their section on the website to include a "Family Learning - Useful Resources" where you will find information to help you to support your child's learning.  This can be found by following the path on the website "Learning - Department" - then select the subject - You can then click on the FAQ Panel named Family Learning - Useful Resources