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The Support for Pupils Department is a whole school resource, which provides specialist support for pupils with Additional Support Needs (ASN). 

Children/young people are considered to have ASN if they,

"For whatever reason, require additional support, long or short term, in order to help them make the most of their school education"

(Supporting Children’s Learning, Code of Practice, p11, 2005).

Departmental Aims

  • To ensure full entitlement and access for pupils with ASN to high quality education within a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum (including access to the National Curriculum) so that they can reach their full potential and enhance their self-esteem.
  • To stimulate and/or maintain pupil curiosity, interest and enjoyment in their own education.
  • To identify and assess pupils with ASN as early and thoroughly as is possible and necessary.
  • To fully involve parents and pupils in the identification, assessment and delivery of ASN and to strive for close co-operation between all agencies concerned and for a multi-disciplinary approach to the resolution of pertinent issues.
  • To meet the needs of all pupils who have ASN by offering continual and appropriate forms of educational provision by the most efficient use of all available resources.

In fulfilling these aims the Support for Pupils Department will help children/young people to,

"Develop their capacities as successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors to society"

(Curriculum for Excellence, 2004)
Support for Pupils Department Teaching Staff
Support for Pupils Department Support staff
Support for Pupils Courses
Prince’s Trust Achieve Course
Extra Curricular Activities
Wellbeing Resource