East Dunbartonshire Council works in conjunction with Strathclyde Passenger Transport (SPT), the public transport organisation which contracts and monitors most of our free school transport. For children with additional support needs the education office undertakes all the transport arrangements.
The form of transport depends on a variety of factors and is decided by the education office after taking all circumstances into account.
The form of transport supplied could be one of the following:
- dedicated school contract bus (service solely for pupils)
- bus pass on local service bus (which can either be a commercial service or a subsidised local service that also carries members of the public)
- train pass on service train
- taxi, private hired car or minibus
- Council's own vehicles.
Free transport normally covers transport to school in the morning and transport from school to home in the afternoon. No additional provision is made for home journeys for Primary 1 children who may have a shorter day until September each year. In this instance, children not collected by parents are supervised until the end of the normal school day.