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Welcome to the English Department!

Here in the English Department at Lenzie Academy, we strive to help students fulfil their potential by cultivating a learning environment that promotes ambition and inclusion.

Through the study English, you will develop skills for learning life and work. Critical thinking skills – such as problem solving, analysing and evaluating – and integral to our subject and as such we promote a lot of active learning, group work and metacognitive strategies.

During your time in the English department, you will develop your skills in four key areas: Reading, Writing, Talking & Listening


In English, you will have the opportunity to study both literature and language. We have an exciting range of literature that explores a wide variety of issues from racism, to LGBTQ+ rights, to science and technology and mental health. You will study a variety of poetry, drama, prose and media during your time at the Academy. Some pupil favourites from S1-3 include ‘Frankenstein’ (drama), ‘The Hate U Give’ (prose), and ‘Hidden Figures’ (media). You will also study a wide range of non-fiction texts to help develop your skills in Reading for Understanding, Analysis & Evaluation (R.U.A.E) and learn how to recognise bias and persuasion.


During your time in the department, you will learn how to write informatively, creatively and persuasively. Some pupil favourites from S1-3 include writing gothic short stories and creating personification poetry.

Talking & Listening

Communication is an essential skill for life, learning and work. In English, you will have lots of formal and informal opportunities to develop your communication, teamwork and leadership skills. These include group work, co-operative research projects, reciprocal reading, group discussion and group or solo presentations.


English Staff
Courses Taught
Assessment and Course Details
Links to Wider Achievements
Family Learning - Useful Resources