To test knowledge, understanding and problem solving skills, continuous assessment will be undertaken throughout the year as directed by the class teacher. Pupils will have prior warning of any assessment and this will also be posted on Teams in advance of the assessment to allow pupils to complete adequate revision.
Across the BGE, a variety of assessment tasks will be issued that focus on developing knowledge and skills. These tasks will vary from written tests and class presentations to research projects.
In addition, further extended assessments will take place at specific points throughout the session as follows:
S5/6 – October – Progress assessments
S4-6 – January – Timed Assessment
S3 – February – S3 exam
These formal assessments will require pupils to undertake extensive revision.
Pupils in the Senior Phase will also be expected to undertake assignment tasks as directed by the SQA. These normally take place in the department between December and March (depending on the subject) and reminders will be given by the class teacher and again via Teams.